Identity & Introductions (overview)

Weeks 1-2 (Sep 10 – Sep 23).

Although identity is a complex and ever evolving experience, we are often asked to represent ourselves online, through writing and digital composition. Equity Unbound kicks off the conversation with a closer look at what is at stake in representing ourselves and sharing our work online. Join us in considering various points of identification as we start to build community and conversation.

We suggest several pathways to introduction through a range of activities. Please reflect on your introduction “process” — you can blog your thoughts about this experience and/or add your thoughts on Twitter using the #unboundeq hashtag.

The links to all of the Identity & Introductions (Weeks 1 & 2) activities are below — you can also find them under the Weeks/Themes menu above.

Kickoff activities:

View from my window – share what you see

Pin your locale to the #UnboundEq map – share where you are

Featured activities:

Alt CV – create your alternative CV (or resumé)

Twitter Scavenger Hunt – building & developing our connections

Optional resources & activities:

Activity: Unintroduction

Activity: Participate in the #selfieunselfie project

Video: Don’t ask where I’m from, ask where I’m local by Taiye Selasi (TED Talk & related readings


Got a suggested activity, reading or resource?

The fastest way to share and keep your suggestions available to others is to post a comment below.

  • If you suggest an activity please give a brief description and link us to a more detailed description on your own blog or Google doc.
  • If you recommend material, please clarify if text, video, audio or game, and provide a link (hopefully open access).
  • If you suggest an adaptation or reflection on the activities above, it might be easier to post those on the post for the particular activity rather than the overview.

Thanks in advance! And feel free to share your ideas for additional activities elsewhere also.

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